Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides had been sitting front and center on my bookshelf since we moved into this house. I’d read it a few years ago and remembered liking it. Although most of the details had blurred in my memory, I knew it was about a hermaphrodite. I remembered a swimming pool with a sort of porthole window for viewing ambiguous body parts… And for whatever sick and twisted reason, that was enough to make me want to read it again.
My reread did not disappoint.
There were a few parts that dragged just a bit (namely the war scenes) but I LOVED the other 99% of the book. I’d love to take a class centered around this book or find some CliffsNotes that would delve into things like the author’s decision to switch from first person to third for the span of only two pages. (Was it an out of body experience? Was this Callie’s moment of transformation?)
Beautiful writing, engaging, well-thought-out story. Nothing felt forced or fake… Near perfection in my mind:)
I enjoyed that reread so much, I grabbed another book I’d read before: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat Pray Love) It’s a sort of inspirational/self-help book for ‘creative people.’ Although Gilbert occasionally throws in the idea of painting a picture or gardening or playing an instrument – there’s no denying the book is about writing. (Which is probably why I like it so much.)
The story of Elizabeth Gilbert and Ann Patchett – separately – writing nearly the exact same book still gave me chills. (And makes me want to get busy on my fictional story before that idea gives up on me and decides to visit someone else.)
Both worthwhile reads for sure – and I’d say there’s a good chance I’ll reread them both again at some point in the future.
Tara Winfield / Writer, Reader, Realtor / 4851 Tamiami Trail N. / Suite 258 / Naples, FL 34103