And, when my computer turned back on… I HAD LOST THE LAST 6,000 WORDS I’D WRITTEN. The last saved version I could find ANYWHERE was from May 8th – five days ago.
(And, let me just say that I try to be REALLY careful about saving my work. I often hit “save” when I finish writing a paragraph. I ALWAYS hit save before I walk away from my computer. I frequently save copies to my desktop, memory stick, and email a copy to myself (although it had been closer to 10 days since I’d emailed a copy to myself….) At any rate, I felt especially cheated.)
And, of course it wasn’t just the last 6,000 words. I’d made multiple edits elsewhere in the manuscript throughout the week. And, I’d fitted multiple notecards worth of – well, notes – into my text. And, then throughout the week, proceeded to tear up each notecard once I was done with it and throw it away.
I went to find Matt with tears in my eyes – not yet fully realizing ALL the work that I’d seemingly lost. “Can you help me???”
(Matt can usually fix my computer issues.)
I sat/lay on the floor in a balled up position, crying into the carpet. Like a small child throwing a tantrum, I held my breath for long periods of time.
Matt did some stuff and Googled some stuff and did some more stuff and we concluded that the work really was gone.
I sobbed hysterically, knowing this was the Universe’s way of telling me that I was kidding myself when I thought I could write a book. I walked from room to room wailing about what a useless human being I was. I contemplated the applying for a job at the grocery store.
Once I accepted that I was just going to have to try to recreate my work, I started making notes while I brushed my teeth. I tried to remember some of the more clever sentences I had especially liked and how I transitioned from one location to another. Once we were tucked in bed, I kept grabbing the magazine that way laying on my nightstand and jotting notes around the edge of the open page – even in the dark. Then I felt my pen go off the page and I had to turn on the lamp to see if I’d gotten blue ink on my new bedding. (I did not.)
This morning when I woke up, I took care of Pearl and then sat back in front of my computer – praying for a miracle. And, low and behold… my 6,000 words were back!
I’m sure it was user error in some fashion. It’s no secret that I am terrible with technology. But, I don’t even care… I am just so happy to be able to pick back up where I really left off.
Current Word Count: 73,870