Word Count: 14,472


It’s 8:15am on Wednesday. My one and only load of laundry is in the washing machine. I have minimal real estate business to attend to today, and I’ve already decided against showering…. (I do need to work on my taxes – but not today – unless my writing attempts are a total flop – then maybe.)

Pearl’s not off to a great start. I’ve removed her from the chair twice, the couch once, and my lap three times…. make that twice from the couch – and she’s locked in her crate now for a quick time-out. (We’re working on getting puppy training scheduled now that she’s been spayed and staples are out.)

For an update – here’s a zoomed out view of my writing to-do list. (The goal is for each little block to be yellow….) I was originally hoping to have that done by the end of February. I now think that is a little too optimistic..

I’ll check back in about this time tomorrow – hopefully with a beefier word count and more yellow blocks.