Matt’s read bits and pieces of my writing, but my sister was my first real reader. I know, I know – you’re not supposed to have family be your beta readers because it’s assumed that they’ll just say nice, encouraging things and not actually help you make your writing better. But, my sister reads a lot and I really did trust her to be honest.
(I also threatened to list her as an early reader in my Acknowledgments if my collection of words were to ever be published. “You wouldn’t want to be embarrassed by having your name attached to a lousy book, would you?”)
My sister made a lot of good suggestions. She told me when she thought my rambling got a little too far off topic. She asked for more information when I skimmed over a scene. She drew little hearts next to the parts she loved. She laughed (when she was supposed to) – and cried (when she was supposed to).
She also suggested some BIG structural changes – as in, “Cut your story in half.”
I think my sister is probably right, but before I go to town with the delete button, I’m eager to see what my next reader thinks. Beta-reader #2 is a real-life, published author, and I feel insanely lucky to have her as a new friend. I am grateful for every single minute she spends looking at my writing.
Even though it means half of my manuscript will meet the trash can… I (think) I hope she agrees with my sister… Kind of like when you get multiple estimates for a home repair, and all the bids come in about the same price range, and then you feel more confident moving forward with the project….
I’ll happily pay the price (30,000 or so words, gulp) for two (at least somewhat) similar critiques.
I love reading your blog Tara and am so proud of the writer you have become. I hope you will continue to write, learn and write some more!